Saturday, October 22, 2016

Muslim Personal Law - Sharia Law

Muslim Personal Law

Muslim Personal Law

Muslim Personal Law

A signature campaign is started by the All India Muslim Personal Law Board against the Uniform Civil Code requesting all Muslims residing in India and abroad to sign it.

Muslim families must sign the forms prescribed by AIMPB, opposing any move to interfere with Sharia or Islamic laws. The forms can be downloaded for Men here and Women here.

Appeal by All India Muslim Personal Law for all Muslim to download the forms, sign them along with family members and submit them to the respective mosques as the arrangement will be done in the mosques across the nation.

For the Muslims living in Middle east, Gulf, Europe and America please fill the form, sign and email to AIMPLB at and to the Law commission at,,

Each form can be signed by eight adult family members along with their names and addresses.

The filled-in and signed forms will be forwarded to AIMPLB from the mosques, which propose to submit them to the President and the Law Commission.

Note : – All the Forms must be signed and submitted on or before 11-November-2016.

Download form for Men

Download form for Women



Muslim personal law, All India Muslim Personal Law Board, Shariat and Muslims Personal Law, Muslims Personal Law Board opposes Uniform Civil Code, BJP Attacks Muslims Personal Law, Muslim women will not tolerate interference in Sharia, Shariah and Muslims Personal Law

Muslim Personal Law - Sharia Law

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